I folkeopplysningens tjeneste
Her om dagen måtte jeg forklare en bekjent om uttrykket "faghag". Når jeg søkte rundt på nettet får å finne en presis definisjon kom jeg over kjære encyclopedædia dramatica som forklarte uttrykket med følgende gullkorn: "Female whose majority of friends are fags. Synonomous with "fruit fly". Scarlet and ChrissMari are prime examples of what a faghag is all about. However, there is a difference between a faghag and girl with a lot of gay friends. Faghags are delusional heterosexual females who think even though they have a vagina, they will still be able to convince one of their homo friends to date them. A great, yet very gay, example of this is the "Will & Grace & Vince & Nadine" episode of Will & Grace. (view the transcript here (http://www.durfee.net/will/scripts/s0707.htm)) In the episode, Will's current squeeze, Vince, has his faghag come over to meet Will and Grace. Retardation ensues, and Nadine tries to break up the relationship between Will and Vince. In the end, Grace sits Nadine down and explains she will never ever have Vince. That night, Nadine blows off Vince for dinner and has sex with a random man from the subway. The moral of the story is that because Grace realizes she will never have Will, she is not a faghag, and because Nadine is a stupid douche, she is a faghag. This in no way changes the fact that Will & Grace is a shit TV show. " Vel, er ihvertfall enig i synspunktet om at Will & Grace ikke akkurat har vært det beste som er sendt, selv ikke på TV Norge... |